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eASG - 120 UD

Progressive Safety Gear eASG-120 UD with Electromechanical Activation DA-UD




Guide rail type:



Minimum gripping width: 25 mm
Admissible guide rail thickness: From 7 to 16 mm

P+Q minimum = 693 Kg (-7,5%)
P+Q maximum = 4233 Kg (+7,5%)

Maximum tripping speed = 2,33 m/s

The eASG-120 UD is an electromechanical bidirectional safety gear consisting of the electromechanical activation DA-UD together with the mechanical safety gear ASG-120 UD

Power supply: 24V

Holding current: 0,32A (0,16 X 2)

Decoupled Coils Option
This option allows for greater control over the system, as you can monitor the status of the reset coil. For further information, please refer to the Manual

According to the standards: 
EN 81-20 and EN 81-50.

The product has the following certifications: